Quick update: More iheart changes and a clarification


We first offer the official word that KFI PD Robin Bertolucci actually retired from the station after 24 years, we offer this as an update to our previous story.

Also, we're hearing iHeart Media is going to transition to a regional sales strategy housed within the iHeart corporate structure. Practially speaking, a number of the local sales force will be reassigned or released. 

In general, it appears iHeart will shift many responsibilities, from sales to prograning, from local clusters to regional hubs. This would match the comments made by iHeart Media CEO Bob Pittman, whom we previously quoted, who said (I'm paraphrasing) their new strategy the best talent now becomes available to their local stations regarless of where the talent is located. 

We also are aware of more changes that will be announced on Monday. Again, please stay tuned.


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