Wikipedia describes The Credibility Gap as "an American satirical comedy team active from 1968 through 1979." Starting with the 1968 California primary, the group delivered a humorous perspective on the news, first on KRLA before heading to "underground" (and their studios were really underground) KPPC. Samples of their silliness are available on YouTube and other venues. What's amazing is the legendary talent who comprised the group. Led by Lew Irwin, The Credibility Gap featured the work of John Gilliland, Thom Beck, Richard Beebe, Len Chandler, Harry Shearer, Michael McKean and David L. Lander. Lander (along with McKean) may be better known nationally from the hit ABC show Laverne and Shirley as Squiggy, the ever present "goofball greaser." But before he became famous on TV, Lander was a vital performer on the local radio dial. Courtesy Last week, The Credibility Gap lost this member of the troupe. The group founder, Lew Irwin, offer...